Purpose of this manual

This operating manual provides information on the roles and responsibilities that pertain to any person/s acting on behalf of Council under delegated authority or lease under any of the following management types:

  • Community Operating Committee (COC)

    Where a facility has shared management with more than one user group including incorporated user groups and/or community representatives.

  • Incorporated Association (INC)

    Where a facility is managed by a single incorporated user group (a non-profit association with a registration number issued by the Department of Fair Trading through the Associations Incorporation Act 1984).

  • Lessee (Lessee)

    Where a facility is managed by a community organisation under a lease agreement.

The manual is designed to help you quickly find information on operating Council facilities, or public land, effectively and safely.

Content overview

The manual provides a general overview of the functions, operations, and responsibilities as well as information specific to particular activities such as:

  • The management and operation of community halls or buildings, and leased facilities;
  • The management and operation of sporting facilities;
  • The management and operation of community gardens.

Content updates

From time to time, Management officers will update content in this manual. This will ensure that this online manual always contains the latest information. Significant changes will be posted in the news section.