
Community facility

A building provided by Council for the purpose of community activities, such as playgroups, community meetings, self-help interest groups, and private functions. These community facilities include community halls, senior citizen centres, multipurpose centres, youth centres, and neighbourhood centres.

Community garden

A place where people come together to grow fresh food and other plants, to learn, and make new friends. They are not-for-profit community based enterprises producing food primarily for the consumption of the gardeners and are multi-use places that are publicly accessible. They range in size and type and may include, but are not limited to, an allotment or shared garden, orchard, education facility, bush tucker garden, or a variety of combinations deemed fit for the purpose.

Community Operating Committee

Where a facility has shared management amongst several users including incorporated user groups and/or community representatives.


Lake Macquarie City Council (LMCC).

Council's Delegate – Delegated Authority

A person, group, community-operating committee, incorporated association, or entity, delegated authority by Council under Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993 to operate community and recreation facilities. Delegated authority to operate community and recreation facilities on behalf of Council is an honorary position and is not entitled to receive compensation.


Fees and charges determined under Lake Macquarie City Council’s annual Pricing Policy.


A person or group wishing to use a Council facility for a defined period of time.

Incorporated Association

A non-profit association with a registration number issued by the Department of Fair Trading through the Associations Incorporation Act 1984.


Personal Protective Equipment.

Public money

All income generated from the use of community and recreation facilities. Please note this does not include takings from canteen sales, or other club-related fund raising activities.

Recreation facility

A sporting facility provided for the residents of the City. Includes ovals, cricket pitches, practice fields and pitches, tennis courts, equestrian centres, petanque courts, netball courts, basketball courts, amenities and canteens.


A 'Council Volunteer' is a person who freely enters into an agreement with LMCC to perform a function or service, or assist with the same on behalf of Council without financial benefit. This requires the volunteer to: have signed and/or documented written agreement; been inducted with regard to rights / responsibilities; and be considered a 'worker' under Work Health and Safety Act 2011.


Workplace Health and Safety.

Your group

Either a Community Operating Committee or Incorporated Association with delegated authority to operate a community or recreation facility.

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